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1. Sub-buffers

Sub-buffers are separate buffer objects that reference a single contiguous slice of an existing device buffer. Once initialised they behave like any other device buffer object.


call fclInitSubBuffer([cmdQ],untypedSubBuffer,sourceBuffer,offset,size, &
call fclInitSubBuffer([cmdQ],typedSubBuffer,sourceBuffer,start,length, &

  • cmdQ (optional) specifies the command queue to which this buffer is associated. All buffer operations will occur on this command queue. cmdQ can be omitted if the default command queue has been set.

  • untypedSubBuffer (type(fclDeviceBuffer)): a general buffer object with no associated type information.

  • typedSubBuffer: can be one of type(fclDeviceInt32), type(fclDeviceFloat), type(fclDeviceDouble).

  • offset (integer): the zero-based byte offset within the source buffer at which the sub-buffer starts.

  • size (integer): the size in bytes of the sub-buffer.

  • start (integer): the zero-based element offset within the source buffer at which the sub-buffer starts.

  • length (integer): the number of elements in the sub-buffer.

  • profileName (character(*), optional): descriptive name for printing profiling information. See profiling.

  • access (one of 'r', 'w', 'rw', optional): kernel read/write access to buffer, default 'rw'.


type(fclDeviceFloat) :: parentFloat, childFloat
call fclInitBuffer(parentFloat,10)
call fclInitSubBuffer(childFloat,parentFloat,5,5)

In this example, the childFloat sub-buffer references the second half of the parentFloat buffer which contains 10 elements in total.

API ref: fclInitSubBuffer

2. Pinned host memory

Pinned memory refers to non-pageable memory allocated on the host; this memory can be accessed more directly by devices since it is guaranteed not to have been 'paged-out' by the host operating system. Pinned memory therefore allows for both faster host-device transfers as well as being required for asynchronous transfers.

Pinned memory is implemented in OpenCL using the clEnqueueMapBuffer command which maps a region of allocated 'host accessible' memory to the host address space and returns a pointer to the host address.

2.1 Allocate pinned memory

To use pinned host memory in Focal, simply replace a standard dynamic allocation (e.g. allocate(hostArray(N))) with the fclAllocHost command:


call fclAllocHost(cmdQ,ptr,dim)
call fclAllocHost(ptr,dim)

cmdQ is the command queue onto which to enqueue the OpenCL map command. As usual, when cmdQ is not specified the default command queue is assumed.

ptr is one of:

  • real(sp), pointer, dimension(:)
  • real(dp), pointer, dimension(:)
  • integer, pointer, dimension(:)

where sp and dp refer to single precision and double precision kinds respectively. Note that once allocated, ptr can be treated as any other allocatable Fortran array except that it cannot be deallocated using deallocate.

dim is the number of elements for which to allocate space for.


fclAllocHost is a blocking command: execution pauses on the host until the OpenCL map command has completed.

Example: Allocate a one-dimensional float array of ten elements using pinned memory on the default command queue.

real, pointer :: pinnedArray(:)
call fclAllocHost(pinnedArray,10)

API ref: fclAllocHost

2.2 Deallocate pinned memory

Pinned memory is implemented using pointers and is hence not automatically freed when it goes out of scope. Therefore it must be explicitly deallocated using fclFreeHost when no longer required.


call fclFreeHost(cmdq,ptr)
call fclFreeHost(ptr)

cmdQ is the command queue onto which to enqueue the OpenCL unmap command. As usual, when cmdQ is not specified the default command queue is assumed.

where ptr is any pointer allocated using fclAllocHost.


fclFreeHost is a blocking command: execution pauses on the host until the OpenCL unmap command has completed.

API ref: fclFreeHost

3. Local kernel arguments

If a kernel has a local memory argument, then the functions fclLocalInt32, fclLocalFloat and fclLocalDouble can be used to supply an argument with a specific dimension. Local memory arguments don't pass data to the kernel, they act like temporary variable length arrays where the size of the array can be specified at kernel launch time.


The following OpenCL kernel has a local memory argument as the third argument:

__kernel void myKernel(const int size, __global float * vec, __local float * temp){
  int ii = get_global_id(0);
  int jj = get_local_id(0);
  temp[jj] = vec[ii]

To launch this kernel with Focal, we use:

myKernel%launch(nElem,deviceArray, fclLocalFloat(localSize) )

where localSize specifies the size of the local argument float array.

API ref: fclLocalInt32, fclLocalFloat, fclLocalDouble, fclLocalArgument,