Managing memory
See setup first for how to define a context and create a device command queue.
See also in advanced topics:
1. Initialise device memory
Initialisation of device memory requires a dimension (number of elements) and logicaleans indicating the read/write access of kernels.
A command queue may optionally be specified, if omitted the the default command queue is used (fclDefaultCommandQ
call fclInitBuffer([cmdQ],untypedBuffer,nBytes,[profileName],[access])
call fclInitBuffer([cmdQ],typedBuffer,dim,[profileName],[access])
(optional) specifies the command queue to which this buffer is associated. All buffer operations will occur on this command queue.cmdQ
can be omitted if the default command queue has been set. -
) is a general buffer object with no associated type information. -
can be one oftype(fclDeviceInt32)
. -
): number of bytes to allocated for an untyped buffer object. -
): number of elements for which to allocate the typed buffer. -
): descriptive name for printing profiling information. See profiling. -
(one of'r'
): kernel read/write access to buffer, default'rw'
All buffer operations are submitted to the command queue specified at buffer initialisation. To change the command
queue associated with a buffer use the syntax: buffer%cmdq => newCmdQ
Example: read-only integer buffer with 1000 elements
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: array_d
call fclInitBuffer(array_d,dim=1000,access='r')
) which is assumed to have been initialised.
'Read only' in this context means that OpenCL kernels cannot write to this buffer.
Example: read-write double precision buffer with command queue
type(fclDeviceDouble) :: array_d
type(fclCmdQ) :: cmdq
call fclInitBuffer(cmdq,array_d,dim=1000,profileName='array_d')
API ref: fclInitBuffer, fclDeviceBuffer, fclDeviceInt32, fclDeviceFloat, fclDeviceDouble
2. Fill device buffer with scalar
The assignment =
operator can be used to fill an initialised device buffer with a scalar value.
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: deviceFloat
type(fclDevicDouble) :: deviceDouble
! Initialise device arrays
call fclInitBuffer(deviceFloat,Nelem)
call fclInitBuffer(deviceDouble,Nelem)
! Fill arrays with zeros
deviceFloat = 0.0
deviceDouble = 0.0d0
Since filling an array with a scalar value does not involve a host array pointer, it is non-blocking.
The scalar assignment is enqueued onto the command queue and host code continues. Call fclWait(cmdq%lastWriteEvent)
to wait.
API ref: Assignment(=)
3. Data transfer between device and host
Data transfer between a device buffer and a host array can be achieved using the assignment =
When transferring data, the host and device arrays must be of compatible types.
Example: transfer from host to device
real(real32) :: hostArray(Nelem)
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: deviceArray
! Initialise device array
call fclInitBuffer(deviceArray,Nelem)
! Copy to device from host
deviceArray = hostArray
Since transferring arrays involves a host array pointer, it is blocking by default.
Host code does not continue until transfer completes. Set command queue blockingWrite
and blockingRead
to .false.
for asynchronous transfers.
Example: Non-blocking data transfer
To perform non-blocking transfer, we set the command queue parameter variables blockingWrite
and blockingRead
to .false.
as required.
To keep track of the transfer operations we can use the command queue variables lastWriteEvent
and lastReadEvent
or the global variables fclLastWriteEvent
and fclLastReadEvent
type(fclEvent) :: e
cmdq%blockingWrite = .false. ! Enable non-blocking host-to-device transfers
deviceArray = hostArray ! Enqueue the transfer command
e = cmdq%lastWriteEvent ! Get transfer event object
call fclWait(e) ! Wait for event when needed
If using the default command queue then replace cmdq
with fclDefaultCmdQ
API ref: Assignment(=), fclCommandQ, fclWait
4. Transfer device array to device array
Device arrays and device array pointers can also be copied using the assignment =
If both the source object (right value) and target object (left value) are valid initialised device array objects,
then the assignment operation will enqueue a non-blocking device-to-device transfer.
This event can be waited upon by the host using fclWait(cmdq%lastCopyEvent)
If the target object (left value) is not initialised then the assignment operation will copy the pointer from the initialised source object (right value) such that both objects refer to the same device array.
If the source object (right value) is not initialised then the assignment operation is invalid and will result in a runtime error.
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray1
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray2
! Initialise device array 1
call fclInitBuffer(deviceArray1,Nelem)
deviceArray2 = deviceArray1
! deviceArray2 and deviceArray1 now reference the same device buffer
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray1
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray2
! Initialise both device arrays
call fclInitBuffer(deviceArray1,Nelem)
call fclInitBuffer(deviceArray2,Nelem)
deviceArray2 = deviceArray1
call fclWait(fclLastCopyEvent)
! Contents of deviceArray1 copied to deviceArray2
API ref: Assignment(=), fclCommandQ, fclWait
5. Swap buffer pointers
Device buffer pointers can be swapped on the host using fclBufferSwap
This can be more efficient than performing a device-to-device copy.
integer :: i
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: a1_d, a2_d
do i=1,10
call myKernel%launch(a1_d)
call fclBufferSwap(a1_d,a2_d)
end do
6. Free device memory
Device memory is released using fclFreeBuffer
call fclFreeBuffer(deviceArray)
API ref: fclFreeBuffer