Profiling OpenCL code in Focal
OpenCL has a built in event profiling functionality whereby timings are available for enqueued operations. This functionality can be handled automatically in Focal by enabling profiling on kernel and buffer objects. When enabled, kernel launch events and buffer transfer events are 'recorded' for which timing information can be later extracted and processed.
Example program: nbody.f90
1. Standard: Use a profiler object
An fclProfiler
type is provided to simplify the extraction of profiling data.
This type simply represents a collection of kernels and buffers for which you wish to
generate profiling data.
A set of routines are provided to extract and present profiling data for all kernels
and buffers in a particular profiler object.
1.1 Define a profiler
To start, we must define a profiler object and set the device it is associated with:
Assuming we have a context ctx
and we have a device list devices
(see Setup: Querying devices)
from which we are going to use the first device, then we set the profiler device as follows:
type(fclProfiler) :: profiler
type(fclDevice), allocatable :: devices(:)
devices = fclFindDevices(ctx,type='cpu',sortBy='cores')
profiler%device = devices(1)
API ref: fclProfiler
1.2 Enable profiling on kernels and buffers
Once we have a profiler with an associated device and have initialised our kernels and buffers, we can enable profiling with the following interfaces:
call fclProfilerAdd(<fclProfiler>,profileSize=<int>,<fclKernel|fclBuffer>,...)
or equivalently:
call <fclProfiler>%add(profileSize=<int>,<fclKernel|fclBuffer>,...)
Both interface formats are equivalent.
specifies the amount of space to allocate for recording events: set to the number of events you wish to record. If more events occur than space allocated, then 'old' events are simply overridden. i.e. only the lastprofileSize
events are recorded. -
Up to 10 kernel or buffer objects can be passed as arguments after
. The same profile size is allocated for each kernel or buffer specified.
type(fclProfiler) :: profiler
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel1, myKernel2
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: buffer1
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: buffer2
In this example, we enable profiling for both kernels with space for 100 events and, in a separate call, we enable profiling for two buffer objects with space for 10 events.
If intending to profile a buffer object, make sure you specify a profileName
when initialising the buffer so that
the profiler can print it in the output.
API ref: fclProfilerAdd
1.3 Print out profiling data summary
Once your OpenCL program has completed and all events are finished (see host synchronisation),
we can use the command fclDumpProfileData
with our profiler object to extract and display profiling results.
call fclDumpProfileData(<fclProfiler>,outputUnit=<int>)
The first argument is the profiler object for which we wish to print out data for.
is an optional integer argument to specify an open file unit to which to print profiling data summary. If omitted thenstdout
is used and data is printed to the screen.
type(fclProfiler) :: profiler
call fclWait()
call fclDumpProfileData(profiler)
The following is an example of output from fclDumpProfileData
Profile name| No. of| T_avg| T_max| T_min| Local|Privat|PWGS
(Kernel)| events| (ns)| (ns)| (ns)| Mem.| Mem.|
initialise| 1| 308750| 308750| 308750| 0| 0| 32
collide| 5000| 846595| 1527166| 735833| 0| 0| 32
boundaryConditions| 5000| 154161| 234083| 131333| 0| 0| 32
stream| 5000| 1067590| 1419500| 921000| 0| 0| 32
macroVars| 50| 897174| 1104250| 802833| 0| 0| 32
ns: nanoseconds, PWGS: Preferred work group size, Mem: Memory in bytes.
Profile name| No. of| Size|Transfer| S_avg| S_max| S_min
(Buffer)| events|(KBytes)| mode| (GB/S)| (GB/S)| (GB/S)
rho_d| 50| 640| READ | 15.2255| 20.7570| 6.9565
u_d| 50| 640| READ | 14.3151| 18.7777| 7.3074
v_d| 50| 640| READ | 11.1791| 15.3909| 6.0425
bcFlags_d| 1| 640| WRITE| 9.3842| 9.3842| 9.3842
API ref: fclDumpProfileData
1.4 Generate a chrome tracing file
The Google Chrome web browser has a built-in profiler which can load and display any arbitrary profiling data as long as it is in the expected JSON format.
The fclDumpTracingData
routine is provided to generate such JSON files for use
with chrome tracing.
call fclDumpTracingData(<fclProfiler>,filename=<character(*)>)
type(fclProfiler) :: profiler
call fclWait()
call fclDumpTracingData(profiler,'trace.json')
API ref: fclDumpTracingData
2. Advanced: Get timings explicitly
2.1 Enable profiling without a profiler object
The fclProfiler
type provides a convenient interface for producing aggregate
profiling information for a collection of kernels and buffers.
However a profiler object is not required if you want to access profiling data directly.
To enable profiling on a kernel or buffer directly, use fclEnableProfiling
call fclEnableProfiling(<fclKernel>,profileSize=<int>)
call fclEnableProfiling(<fclBuffer>,profileSize=<int>)
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: myBuffer
call fclEnableProfiling(myKernel,100)
call fclEnableProfiling(myBuffer,50)
API ref: fclEnableProfiling
2.2 Extract event durations
To access profiling data directly, use the command fclGetEventDurations
and pass in the profileEvents
of the kernel or buffer object.
This will return an integer array where each entry corresponds to the duration in nanoseconds of an event in the input array.
<integer(:)> = fclGetEventDurations(eventList=<fclEvent(:)>)
integer, parameter :: Nprofile
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
integer :: durations(Nprofile)
real :: averageTime
myKernel = fclGetProgramKernel(prog,kernelName='sum',profileSize=Nprofile)
durations = fclGetEventDurations(myKernel%profileEvents(:))
averageTime = sum(durations)/Nprofile
API ref: fclGetEventDurations