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Quickstart Guide

See build and linking first on how to build the library and subsequently link against it.

1. Choose a device and initialise OpenCL context

We can quickly initialse an OpenCL context with a specific device using the fclInit function. This functions allows us to filter and sort available devices based on their properties and choose one of them to work with.


type(fclDevice) :: device
device = fclInit(vendor='nvidia,amd',type='gpu',sortBy='cores')

In this example we have specified any gpu device belonging to vendors nvidia OR amd and to choose the device with the most compute units (cores).

We can alternatively sort devices by total global memory (sortBy='memory') or by maximum clock speed (sortBy='clock'). Additional filter fields which can be used are: extensions to filter based on supported OpenCL extensions; and nameLike to filter based on the name of the device.


type(fclDevice) :: device
device = fclInit(type='gpu',nameLike='tesla',sortBy='memory')

If the function is able to find a device matching the criteria, then it initialises an OpenCL context on the corresponding platform and returns an fclDevice object on which we can create command queues.

See User guide/Setup for more detail on querying available platforms and devices with Focal and advanced methods for setting up OpenCL contexts and using multiple devices.

2. Create a command queue

Once we have an fclDevice object for our chosen device, we can create a command queue on it which will be used to issue operations to the device:

type(fclDevice) :: device
type(fclCommandQ) :: cmdq
cmdq = fclCreateCommandQ(device)

The resulting command queue object cmdq can be passed to subsequent commands to specify which command queue to use. However, a common command queue called the default command queue exists within Focal which when set allows you to omit the command queue object in subsequent Focal commands.

To create a command queue and set as the default command queue:

call fclSetDefaultCommandQ( fclCreateCommandQ(device) )

With this syntax, we can omit the command queue variable (cmdq) in subsequent focal calls.

See User guide/Setup for more details on creating command queues.

3. Load and compile a kernel

A utility function fclSourceFromFile is provided to load text from file into an allocatable Fortran character(:) string:

character(:), allocatable :: programSource
call fclSourceFromFile('',programSource)

Here programSource is a string containing a collection of OpenCL kernels. OpenCL programs are compiled at runtime - this allows perfect portability since the kernels will always be compiled for the local available hardware.

In Focal we use the fclCompileProgram command to compile the OpenCL program before using the fclGetProgramKernel to extract a kernel object for the particular kernel we are interested in:

type(fclProgram) :: prog
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
prog = fclCompileProgram(programSource)
myKernel = fclGetProgramKernel(prog,'kernelName',global_work_size=[1000])

The optional third argument specifies the global work dimensions for the kernel; here we have specified a one-dimensional global work set with 1000 elements. Additional optional arguments here can include local_work_size, work_dim and global_work_offset.

Additionally, these kernel attributes can be set using the syntax:

myKernel%global_work_size = [100,100]
myKernel%work_dim = 2
myKernel%local_work_size = [10,10]
myKernel%global_work_offset = [50,50]

See User guide/Kernels for more details on compiling and extracting kernels.

4. Initialise device memory buffers

OpenCL kernels operate on memory residing on the device. We must therefore declare and initialise data buffers on the device. In the following example we initialise a 32bit integer array with 1000 values on the command queue cmdq:

type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray
call fclInitBuffer(cmdq,deviceArray,dim=1000)


All future buffer operations (transfers to/from device and copying on device) will be issued to the command queue cmdq specified here.

If the default command queue has been set and you wish to use it for this buffer, then cmdq can be omitted in the call to fclInitBuffer:

type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray
call fclInitBuffer(deviceArray,dim=1000)

Other supported types are fclDeviceFloat and fclDeviceDouble.

Once the device buffers have been initialised, we can transfer data to them. In Focal this is done simply with an assignment statement:

integer :: hostArray(1000)
deviceArray = hostArray


Focal transfer operations are only supported if the host array and device array are of compatible type and dimension. If the host array and device array are not of compatible type, then a compile-time error will occur. If the host array and device array are not of the same dimension, then a run-time error will occur.

In a similar way, data can be transferred from the device back to the host:

hostArray = deviceArray

as well as copying between two buffers residing on the device:

type(fclDeviceFloat) :: deviceArray1, deviceArray2
deviceArray1 = deviceArray2


By default, transfer operations involving a host array are blocking: host code does not continue until the transfer has completed.

See User guide/Memory for more details on managing memory.

5. Launch a kernel

We are now ready to launch a kernel. Using the kernel object myKernel extracted previously, this can then be launched on command queue cmdq with the syntax:

call myKernel%launch(cmdq,1000,deviceArray)

Again, cmdq can be omitted here if you wish to use the default command queue assuming it has been set.

Here we have passed two arguments to the kernel: the scalar integer 1000 and the device array deviceArray.

See User guide/Kernels for more details.