July 01, 2020
Authors: Milan Curcic, Laurence Kedward, and Jérémie Vandenplas
Welcome to the July 2020 edition of the monthly Fortran newsletter. The newsletter comes out on the first calendar day of every month and details Fortran news from the previous month.
Work has continued on the Fortran-lang website, including a new community page and additional tutorial content:
#98: updated the Quickstart mini-book tutorial with a comprehensive overview of derived types;
#99: added a second mini-book tutorial to the Learn page on building compiled programs and libraries;
#100: added a new top-level web-page for Fortran-lang community projects. The page gives useful information and links for new contributors, as well as acknowledging each of our many existing contributors. Check it out at https://fortran-lang.org/community.
Ongoing work:
#101: Code style for Fortran examples in the tutorials. See the corresponding community poll and discussion on Discourse;
#112: Plan for core language tutorials.
Let us know if you have any suggestions for the website and its content. We welcome any new contributors to the website and the tutorials page in particular - see the contributor guide for how to get started.
Did you know you don’t need to know HTML or any fancy languages to contribute to the website; all of the online tutorials and most of the website content are written in markdown, a simple markup language for formatting text - don’t worry if you haven’t used it before, it’s very easy to pick up!
What’s new in the Fortran Standard Library:
and simps_weights
) in the
quadrature module (stdlib_experimental_quadrature
).Some miscellaneous fixes and improvements:
What’s new in fpm:
fpm is still in very early development, and we need as much help as we can get. Here’s how you can help today:
The short term goal of fpm is to make development and installation of Fortran packages with dependencies easier. Its long term goal is to build a rich and decentralized ecosystem of Fortran packages and create a healthy environment in which new open source Fortran projects are created and published with ease.
As usual, subscribe to the mailing list and/or join the Discourse to stay tuned with the future meetings.
We thank everybody who contributed to fortran-lang in the past month by commenting in any of the four repositories: