Featured Open Source Projects

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Packages / Libraries

Fortran libraries for general programming tasks


Core fortran routines and object-oriented classes for sorting, kD-Trees, and other algorithms to handle scientific data and concepts
Tags: dynamic array formatting debugging errors kdtree sorting random binary search strings unit testing timing


Fortran command Line Arguments Parser
Tags: command line cli argument parser

Fortran Standard Library (stdlib)

A community driven and agreed upon de facto standard library for Fortran


Various utilities for Fortran programs
Tags: constants types sorting mesh spline ppm hdf5 lapack


Collection of personal scientific routines in Fortran
Tags: solver integral integrate interpolation histogram constants hdf5 error random posix angles probability stokes vectors


Functional programming for modern Fortran
Tags: functional filter fold map


Fortran utilities including unit test harness, arbitrary length strings, parameter list objects, timers, geometry definitions, file wrappers, linear algebra tools, and parallel computing support


Unix-like command line argument parsing
Tags: namelist args


Subroutine to give a line-mode command history to interactive programs
Tags: redo

Open Coarrays

A parallel application binary interface for Fortran 2018 compilers.
Tags: mpi openshmem gfortran
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