Core fortran routines and object-oriented classes for sorting, kD-Trees, and other algorithms to handle scientific data and concepts
Tags: dynamic array formatting debugging errors kdtree sorting random binary search strings unit testing timing
Errors and logging for fortran
Tags: errors logging
Automatic documentation generator for modern Fortran programs
Tags: documentation
Static source code analysis tool for Fortran
File system manipulation and unit testing framework
Tags: posix libc
Fortran utilities including unit test harness, arbitrary length strings, parameter list objects, timers, geometry definitions, file wrappers, linear algebra tools, and parallel computing support
Python powered Fortran preprocessor
Tags: metaprogramming
a lightweight unit testing framework for Fortran
Tags: unit testing
Parallel Fortran Unit Testing Framework
Tags: unit testing
A tool for automatic differentiation (forward/reverse) of Fortran and c programs
Tags: algorithmic derivative ad
A Fortran testing framework written using functional programming principles.
Tags: testing assert