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Events and synchronisation

Most OpenCL commands involve enqueueing an operation to a command queue and returning control back to the host program. If an in-order command queue is used then these operations are guaranteed to be executed in the order that they were submitted.

Implicit host-device synchronisations can occur if blocking data transfers are used (see host-device transfers). To explicitly keep track of enqueued operations on the host, we can use event objects issued with each command.

If an out-of-order command queue is used, then additional consideration must be made for inter-dependencies between the operations enqueued; this is enabled by command queue barriers and dependencies.

1. Event objects

Event objects represent operations that have been submitted to a command queue and provide a way of keeping track and specifying dependencies.

The following event objects are made available following certain enqueing operations:

Action Event Object Action Example
Transfer host array to device buffer fclLastWriteEvent,
deviceArray = hostArray
Transfer device buffer to host array fclLastReadEvent
hostArray = deviceArray
Copy device buffer to device buffer fclLastCopyEvent
deviceArray2 = deviceArray1
Launch kernel fclLastKernelEvent
Enqueue queue barrier fclLastBarrierEvent
call fclBarrier(...)

API ref: fclCommandQ, fclLastWriteEvent, fclLastReadEvent, fclLastCopyEvent, fclLastKernelEvent, fclLastBarrierEvent

2. Host synchronisation

2.1 Waiting for events

To wait on the host for device events to complete, use the fclWait command. This command has multiple interfaces defined below.


call fclWait()
call fclWait(<fclCommandQ>)
call fclWait(<fclEvent>)
call fclWait(<fclEvent(n)>)

When called without any arguments fclWait will wait for all events on the default command queue to finish.

Alternatively, a specific command queue may be specified by passing it as an argument to fclWait.

To wait for a specific event to finish, pass that event to fclWait.

Alternatively, to wait for multiple events to complete, pass an array of fclEvent objects to fclWait.

Example: Wait on a specific command queue.

type(fclCommandQ) :: myCommandQ
call fclWait(myCommandQ)

Example: Wait for a kernel event to complete.

type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
type(fclEvent) :: e
myKernel%launch()          ! Launch kernel
e = fclLastKernelEvent     ! Save kernel event object
...                        ! Perform other operations
call fclWait(e)            ! Now wait for kernel to complete

Example: Enqueue multiple asynchronous data transfers.

type(fclCommandQ) :: cmdq
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: a1, a2, a3
type(fclEvent), dimension(3) :: e
cmdq%blockingWrite = .false.   ! Enable asynchronous host-to-device transfers
a1 = hostArray1                ! Enqueue first transfer
e(1) = cmdq%lastWriteEvent     ! Save first transfer event
a2 = hostArray2                ! Enqueue second transfer
e(2) = cmdq%lastWriteEvent     ! Save second transfer event
a3 = hostArray3                ! Enqueue third transfer
e(3) = cmdq%lastWriteEvent     ! Save third transfer event
...                            ! Perform other operations
call fclWait(e)                ! Now wait for transfers to complete

API ref: fclWait

3. Dependencies and barriers

If using a single command queue with out-of-order execution disabled, then commands are guaranteed to be executed in the order that they were enqueued. When using multiple command queues to submit work, or when using command queues with out-of-order execution enabled, then explicit management of dependencies is required to ensure that work is performed in the correct order; two useful mechanisms are available for this: barriers and event dependencies.

3.1 Event dependencies

Event dependencies are set prior to enqueueing an operation to specify operations that must first complete for the following operation to start. The Focal command fclSetDependency is used to specify dependencies for the next enqueued operation.

Example: A kernel event depends on previous data transfers

type(fclDeviceFloat) :: deviceArray1, deviceArray2
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel1, myKernel2
type(fclEvent) :: e(2)
type(fclCommandQ) :: cmdq2
call fclSetDefaultCommandQ( fclCreateCommandQ(devices(1),blockingWrite=.false.) )
cmdq2 = fclCreateCommandQ(devices(1))

deviceArray1 = hostArray
e(1) = fclLastWriteEvent         ! Save first write event
deviceArray2 = hostArray
e(2) = fclLastWriteEvent         ! Save second write event
! Launch kernel with no dependencies on separate cmdq
! Launch kernel with dependency on events in e
call fclSetDependency(e)         
myKernel2%launch(deviceArray1, deviceArray2)

In this example several host-to-device transfers are enqueued followed immediately by an independent kernel execution; this first kernel can theoretically be executed at the same time as the transfers are occuring. A second kernel is enqueued with explicit dependencies on the previous transfers; this kernel won't execute until the transfers are complete.


Unless hold=.true. is specified in fclSetDependency then, dependencies are cleared after each enqueued operations. i.e. event dependencies will only apply to the next enqueued operation not to subsequent ones. See example below for multiple events sharing the same dependency.

Example: Apply the same event dependencies to multiple subsequent commands

type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
type(fclEvent) :: e
e = fclLastKernelEvent
call fclSetDependency(e,hold=.true.) ! Data transfers all depend on previous kernel launch
hostData1 = deviceData1
hostData2 = deviceData2
hostData3 = deviceData3
call fclClearDependencies()          ! Clear held dependencies

API ref: fclSetDependency, fclClearDependencies

3.2 Command queue barriers

OpenCL barriers break up the command queue into regions between which there can be no re-ordering of operations. If a series of operations (group A) is followed by a barrier then followed by another series of operations (group A), then all events from group a must be complete (in any order) before any event in group B can start.

To enqueue a barrier in Focal, use fclBarrier:


call fclBarrier()
call fclBarrier(<fclCommandQ>)

When called with no arguments, this enqueues a barrier onto the default command queue. Otherwise, it enqueues a barrier onto the command queue specified in the first argument.

The barrier can be waiting upon or set as a dependency using the event objects: fclLastBarrierEvent or cmdq%lastBarrierEvent; this is useful in referencing groups of events.

Example: Wait on a group of asynchronous transfers to complete

type(fclCommandQ) :: cmdq
type(fclDeviceFloat) :: a, b, c
cmdq = fclCreateCommandQ(devices(1),blockingWrite=.false.)
! Enqueue asynchronous transfers to device
a = hostA   
b = hostB
c = hostC

! Enqueue barrier
call fclBarrier(cmdq)
! Wait for all transfers to complete
call fclWait(cmdq%lastBarrierEvent)
! OR set a dependency for all transfers to complete
call fclSetDependency(cmdq%fclLastBarrierEvent)

API ref: fclBarrier, fclWait, fclSetDependency, fclCommandQ, fclLastBarrierEvent

3.3 User events

OpenCL user events provide a way for device operations to wait for the completion of host operations. A user event is first created which can be used as a dependency for subsequently enqued device operations. The host program can then trigger the user event to signal its completion and allow it dependents to start executing.


type(fclEvent) :: myHostEvent
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
! Create user event
myHostEvent = fclCreateUserEvent()

! Set dependency on user event
call fclSetDependency(myHostEvent)
call myKernel%launch()
... ! Do some other work

! Trigger user event to signal completion
call fclSetUserEvent(myHostEvent)
! Kernel will now run

API ref: fclCreateUserEvent, fclSetUserEvent