fclSetDependency Interface

public interface fclSetDependency

Generic interface to set pre-requisite events for the next enqueued action. This does not append to any existing dependencies - it overwrites the dependency list.



public module subroutine fclSetDependencyEvent_1(cmdQ, event, hold)

Interface for specifying a single event dependency on specific cmdq


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclCommandQ), target :: cmdQ

Command queue

type(fclEvent), intent(in) :: event

Event dependency

logical, intent(in), optional :: hold

Hold dependency list: set to true to not automatically clear dependencies after enqueueing. Use for applying the same dependency to multiple commands. Default false.

public module subroutine fclSetDependencyEvent_2(event, hold)

Interface for specifying a single event dependency on default cmdq


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclEvent), intent(in) :: event

Event dependency

logical, intent(in), optional :: hold

Hold dependency list: set to true to not automatically clear dependencies after enqueueing. Use for applying the same dependency to multiple commands. Default false.

public module subroutine fclSetDependencyEventList_1(cmdQ, eventList, hold)

Interface for specifying a list of dependent events on specific cmdq


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclCommandQ), target :: cmdQ

Command queue

type(fclEvent), intent(in) :: eventList(:)

List of event dependencies

logical, intent(in), optional :: hold

Hold dependency list: set to true to not automatically clear dependencies after enqueueing. Use for applying the same dependency to multiple commands. Default false.

public module subroutine fclSetDependencyEventList_2(eventList, hold)

Interface for specifying a list of dependent events on default cmdq


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclEvent), intent(in) :: eventList(:)

List of event dependencies

logical, intent(in), optional :: hold

Event dependency Hold dependency list: set to true to not automatically clear dependencies after enqueueing. Use for applying the same dependency to multiple commands. Default false.