fclCreateCommandQ Interface

public interface fclCreateCommandQ

Generic interface to create a device command queue



public module function fclCreateCommandQ_1(ctx, device, enableProfiling, outOfOrderExec, blockingWrite, blockingRead) result(cmdq)

Create a command queue with a Focal device object


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclContext), intent(in), target :: ctx

Context containing device for command queue

type(fclDevice), intent(inout), target :: device

Device on which to create command queue

logical, intent(in), optional :: enableProfiling

Enable OpenCL profiling

logical, intent(in), optional :: outOfOrderExec

Enable out of order execution

logical, intent(in), optional :: blockingWrite

Enable/disable host-blocking write to device

logical, intent(in), optional :: blockingRead

Enable/disable host-blocking read from device

Return Value type(fclCommandQ)

Returns fclCommandQ object

public module function fclCreateCommandQ_2(device, enableProfiling, outOfOrderExec, blockingWrite, blockingRead) result(cmdq)

Create a command queue with a Focal device object using default context


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(fclDevice), intent(inout), target :: device

Device on which to create command queue

logical, intent(in), optional :: enableProfiling

Enable OpenCL profiling

logical, intent(in), optional :: outOfOrderExec

Enable out of order execution

logical, intent(in), optional :: blockingWrite

Enable/disable host-blocking write to device

logical, intent(in), optional :: blockingRead

Enable/disable host-blocking read from device

Return Value type(fclCommandQ)

Returns fclCommandQ object