A comprehensive list of available compilers is provided here. In this guide, we will focus only on those that are free to install and use.
Of those listed at the link above, open source and free are GFortran (with OpenCoarrays), Flang, and LFortran. Finally, NVFortran and IFort* are commercial with free community editions.
Note: *IFort (Intel’s Fortran Compiler) does not offer a free community edition in general. However, if you are a student, educator, or open-source contributor, you may qualify for free software.
Both NVFortran (NVIDIA) and IFort (Intel) are well documented and readers can find detailed information about installing and using them on their websites respectively. In the next chapter, we use GFortran for the tutorial as it is a mature open source compiler. We encourage users to also try other open source and commercial compilers.