More often than not, we need to store and operate on long lists of numbers as opposed to just the single scalar variables that we have been using so far; in computer programming such lists are called arrays.
Arrays are multidimensional variables which contain more than value where each value is accessed using one or indices.
Important: Arrays in Fortran are one-based by default; this means that the first element along any dimension is at index 1.
We can declare arrays of any type. There are two common notations for declaring array variables;
using the dimension
attribute or by appending the array dimensions in parentheses to the variable name.
Example: static array declaration
program arrays
implicit none
! 1D integer array
integer, dimension(10) :: array1
! An equivalent array declaration
integer :: array2(10)
! 2D real array
real, dimension(10,10) :: array3
! Custom lower and upper index bounds
real :: array4(0:9)
real :: array5(-5:5)
end program arrays
A powerful feature of the Fortran language is its built-in support for array operations; we can perform operations on all or part of an array using array slicing notation:
Example: array slicing
program array_slice
implicit none
integer :: i
integer :: array1(10) ! 1D integer array of 10 elements
integer :: array2(10,10) ! 2D integer array of 100 elements
array1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] ! Array constructor
array1 = [(i,i=1,10)] ! Implied do loop constructor
array1(:) = 0 ! set all elements to zero
array1(1:5) = 1 ! set first five elements to one
array1(6:) = 1 ! set all elements after five to one
print *,array1(1:10:2) ! print out elements at odd indices
print *,array2(:,1) ! print out the first column in a 2D array
print *,array1(10:1:-1) ! print an array in reverse
end program array_slice
Note: Fortran arrays are stored in column major order; the first index varies fastest.
So far we have specified the size of our array in our program code - this type of array is known as a static array since its size is fixed when we compile our program.
Quite often, we do not know how big our array needs to be until we run our program. For example, if we are reading data from a file of unknown size.
For this problem, we need allocatable
arrays, these are allocated
while the program is runnning once we know how big the array needs to be.
Example: allocatable arrays
program allocatable
implicit none
integer, allocatable :: array1(:)
integer, allocatable :: array2(:,:)
end program allocatable
Note: Allocatable local arrays are deallocated automatically when they go out of scope.
Example: static character string
program string
implicit none
character(len=4) :: first_name
character(len=5) :: last_name
character(10) :: full_name
first_name = 'John'
last_name = 'Smith'
! String concatenation
full_name = first_name//' '//last_name
print *, full_name
end program string
Example: allocatable character string
program allocatable_string
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: first_name
character(:), allocatable :: last_name
! Explicit allocation statement
allocate(character(4) :: first_name)
first_name = 'John'
! Allocation on assignment
last_name = 'Smith'
print *, first_name//' '//last_name
end program allocatable_string