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Working with kernels

See setup and memory first for how to setup contexts, command queues and manage device memory.

See also in advanced topics:

1. Loading kernel sources

OpenCL kernels are almost always shipped as plain text sources which are compiled at runtime for the required architecture; this allows perfect portability of programs using OpenCL kernels.

Focal provides two utility routines for obtaining OpenCL kernel source code at runtime:

  • fclSourceFromFile which loads source code from a file path
  • fclGetKernelResource which loads source code that was linked at compile time as a binary resource.

Loading source using fclSourceFromFile from allows kernel sources to be updated without recompilation however it relies on robustly being able to locate kernel source files at runtime.

Linking source code as a binary resource allows kernel sources to be included into the program executable and therefore doesn't require source files to be distributed in addition to the OpenCL program.

1.1 From file

Use fclSourceFromFile to load source code from a file at runtime.


character(:), allocatable :: programSource
call fclSourceFromFile(filename='',programSource)

In this example, kernel source code is read from the file into the character string programSource which is allocated during the call.

API ref: fclSourceFromFile

1.2 From linked binary resource

Step 1: Create object file from kernel code.

At the command line we use the linker ld to convert the kernel text file into a binary resource object:

$> ld -r -b binary -o fclKernels.o

In the call to ld the output binary file can have any arbitrary name, however the input file, containing the kernels source text, MUST be called with no path prefix.

Step 2: Compile and link the main program with the fclKernels.o resource object:

$> gfortran -c myCLProgram.f90 -o myCLProgram.o
$> gfortran myCLProgram.o fclKernels.o -lfocal -lOpenCL -o myCLProgram

Step 3: Load the linked kernel source at runtime using fclGetKernelResource

character(:), allocatable :: programSource
call fclGetKernelResource(programSource)

See the examples makefile in the repository for how this can be done during the build process.

API ref: fclGetKernelResource

2. Compiling kernels

Once kernel source code has been loaded into a character string (character(len=n)), the code can be compiled using fclCompileProgram. An OpenCL 'program' simply refers to a collection of kernels. So we can collect all our kernels into a single character string and compile them together.


prog = fclCompileProgram([ctx],source,[options])
* prog (type(fclProgram)): compiled program object

  • ctx (type(fclContext),optional): context on which to compile program. Default context is used if omitted.

  • source (character(*)): the OpenCL program source code to compile

  • options (character(*),optional): specifies OpenCL compilation options.

Once compiled, a specific Focal kernel object can be extracted from the compiled program object using fclGetProgramKernel. This returns an fclKernel object which we can use to launch a specific kernel.


kern = fclGetProgramKernel(prog,kernelName,[global_work_size],[local_work_size], &
  • kern (type(fclKernel)): kernel object used to launch kernels

  • prog (type(fclProgram)): program object containing compiled kernels

  • kernelName (character(*)): case-sensitive kernel function name

  • global_work_size (integer(dim),optional) array (up to length 3) specifying global work dimensions. Default unset. If specified, also automatically sets work_dim to the length of global_work_size.

  • local_work_size (integer(dim),optional) array (up to length 3) specifying local work group dimensions. Default [0,0,0] meaning OpenCL sets the local work dimensions.

  • work_dim (integer,optional) specifies number of work group dimensions. Default 1 or length of global_work_size if specified.

  • global_work_offset (integer(dim),optional) array specifying global work offsets in each dimension, default [0,0,0]

The kernel parameters global_work_size, local_work_size, work_dim, and global_work_offset can also be set using the syntax:

kern%global_work_size = [10, 10, 10]
kern%local_work_size = [10, 1, 1]
kern%work_dim = 3
kern%global_work_offset = [0, 0, 0]


When kernels are launched, the global_work_size is automatically modified to ensure it is a multiple of local_work_size in all dimensions by increasing it where necessary - make sure to guard against out-of-bounds thread indexes within your kernels.


type(fclProgram) :: program
type(fclKernel) :: myKernel
program = fclCompileProgram(myProgramSource)
myKernel = fclGetProgramKernel(program,'myKernel')

API ref: fclCompileProgram, fclGetProgramKernel, fclProgram, fclKernel

3. Launching kernels

Once an fclKernel object exists, the kernel can be launched with the following syntax:


or equivalently:

call fclLaunchKernel(myKernel,cmdq,arg1,arg2)

If the default command queue has been set, then cmdq can be omitted here. In these examples two kernel arguments are supplied arg1 and arg2. Kernel arguments can be scalar variables, device buffer objects or local memory specifiers. Up to 20 kernel arguments can be specified using this syntax.

Example: Launch a kernel with a scalar integer argument and a device buffer argument.

integer :: nElem = 1000
type(fclDeviceInt32) :: deviceArray
deviceArray = fclBufferInt32(dim=nElem,read=.true.,write=.true.)


OpenCL kernel arguments persist between calls, therefore subsequent kernel launch calls can omit arguments if unchanged. Use fclSetKernelArg and fclSetKernelArgs to change a single/multiple kernel argument(s) between kernel launches.

API ref: fclKernel, fclLaunchKernel, fclLaunchKernelAfter fclSetKernelArg, fclSetKernelArgs